New Short Story Contest Launched Open to all members, established or new alike, short story contest 31 has been launched. Theme: A Picture Worth A 1000 Words. See this link for more details and for how to enter: See the attachment in the above link for the picture-theme. Happy writing
Is anyone preparing an entry to challenge for this week's coveted bragging rights? For the sake of healthy competition I shall extend the submission deadline if required?
Am I the only one that entered? No fair! If nobody else enter's then I wanna withdraw my entry. That'd just be silly If i won 'cos nobody else entered lol I dont understand though - that was a cool theme =/
Two entries now - thanks. Will anyone else be entering? If so I can extend the deadline a little to allow you to finish? (The two already submitted could be edited during this period if so desired) If not, we'll submit the two to vote. Head to head, mano a mano and then start up the next contest.