I was just wondering how other people start their writing. What I mean is do you come up with the plot first and then create characters that fit in with it, or do you start with the characters first and then come up with a plot that fits with the characters? I know for me I always have the characters in my mind first and then the plot comes after and fits around my characters. I was just curious about what all of you do.
Both. You can't have characters without a plot, and you can't have a plot without characters. Depending on how you want to set up your story, introduce the main characters from the very beginning. As the story progresses, you may find it necessary to introduce more characters if they fit into the plot accordingly.
I think she wants to know whether we start off with characters or the plot in a rough plan. Anyhow, I start my rough draft with a plot, but my proper writing sequence gives prior importance to characters and plot alongside.
Great question. The four main elements of prose include plot, characters, setting, and theme. You're clever in wanting to start w/ the plot and characters first. These two should be considered together, at the same time, so that they don't become discombobulated later on down the road. You can consider setting w/ plot and characters or on its own later if you would like. The real kicker is the theme. Some writers like to consider the theme of the story even before they start writing. Some consider it while they're writing [which is what I do] and some don't even consider theme at all. They let the story do the talking, and let a theme come out of it almost spontaneously. Very few writers consider all four of these things before they even start writing the story, although it's possible. The point I'm trying to make is that it depends on the writer. Experiment and see which method works best for you.
It depends. Sometimes I get an idea that seems to be made of awesomeness and lined with gold and go from there. Other times, an idea for a character slaps me in the face and forces me to its will. Neither happens more than the other in my case. But in the case of what I'm writing now, I came up with the characters first. Oddly enough, it was all started by a video game teaser trailer.
Normally I'll create characters fist, but in the case of my most recent story, the plot settled itself into my head, and the characters came second.
Hi Tory: I won't be much help because I get my stories from my dreams. When I awake, I will write for hours until I get as much on paper that is stuck in my mind. I do't even worry about punctuation or spelling. I must get everything writen before it escapes forever. My most recent WHERE AM I? took 8 hours to write just out of bed then four weeks of teaking and editing. At first I thought it was a piece of junk but the more I worked on it, the better I liked it. Now it's one of my favorites. 3,623 words. Capatrol 12-30-07
Wow, that['s really weird. Almost all of you said characters. I say plot. I always start with a plot. Then once I think I have the plot settled, I start making up characters to go along with it. Weird.