I'm a right clumsy sod sometimes. Last night I couldn't drop off to sleep no matter how hard I tried. So I thought "Sod it I'm having a cig. That usually knocks me out like an uppercut". So I nipped for a wee first then tried to find the cig in the dark. I eneded up knocking the bedside lamp over, dropped the ashtray on the floor and dropped the lighter down the side of the bed The night before I managed to knock a cup of tea over on the window ledge and stained the curtains Mrs BOW was not best pleased. Especially last night when all the shenanigans was going on and she had to be up for work this morning
I'm not that accident prone. Only at night. Cause I'm a little scared of the shadowy figures. And I close my eyes instead, especially when alone. And I bump into things because my eyes are closed.
No way, man! They make much more noise than an ashtray when dropped on the floor in the middle of the night.
Thanks for passing that on. To think i was going to buy some for stalking this person i know... (yes close up stalking) Cheers!
Not at all actually, but when I was a RM for Gap Inc., my ice breaker question in group interviews was, "Tell me how you got your chin scar." Most people have one.
You should stop walking. Lols. Yeah, I'm incredibly clumsily, I have the bruises to show it. I constantly trip over myself and bump into things and people. I fall over frequently too. And because I don't have an attention span or co ordination, I always drop things, or tip things over, or knock things down. Yesterday night I was boiling some potatoes and whilst they were boiling I decided to dry some dishes (note: Kitchen extremely small), so yeah, somehow I flung the tea towel from my hands, onto the pot and a part of it landed in the boiling water. I then reacted by quickly withdrawing it from the pot which was very silly because I ended up flicking boiling water on myself which wasn't very pleasant. One example out of many.
Does tripping over my own feet count? (looks down at her feet) Esp, when they're a size 3? Lol, I've broken my right hand twice(yup!)...once I fell off a ledge not 50 cms high from the ground, the other time from a table(I was dancing ). I have also had 5 stiches on my right cheeck from falling off building block at a construction location once, and once I slid off a slide which had been wired to prevent injury and slammed my forehead into the wire, got 4 sticher, needless to say they removed the wire .lol
I've never broken a bone, altough I did suffer a broken nose a couple decades ago when I encountered a wall of meat outside a liquor store. I can't attribute that to clumsiness. Even when I have slipped on the ice, I've always managed to land without serious injury. Some of that is probably due to my martial arts training. So no, I'm not particularly accident prone. Having said that, I'll probably fall and break a leg now.
Three large knuckledraggers backed out of package store driveway in their car. I was on my bicycle, almost was run over. They jumped out of their car, came after me. I threw my bike, they swatted it aside. Then the meatpile descended on me. Police were there in about three minutes, but the meat was long gone. I had a few scrapes and bruises, and a busted schnozzola. The cops knew the trio, but advised me to just drop it.
Ouch Saulty....lol As a kid, I spent so much time in the ER that my mom joked about needing our own parking space. Regularly have bruises, scrapes, and scratches I don't even remember getting. I have more scars than I can count or remember how I got. If there is a pebble or piece of broken glass anywhere on the floor...I will step on it. If there is a dog taking a nap on the rug...I will trip over it. If I am walking in heels...I will step on a grate and get my heel stuck. I have sprained or dislocated almost every joint in my body...even ones that aren't supposed to like my scapula and collarbones. It even extends to my driving. I totalled a car by driving into a cement wall at 60MPH and once backed into a parked police car. Yeah...can I have my klutz of the year award now?
I have an album on my myspace devoted to pictures of my injuries. Some of my favorites were when I got cut just under my eye by a Twister spinner when I was playing with a group of friends in an elevator at the airport, when I banged up my knee by flipping a loaded pallet jack, and this one here... Spoiler I spilled bacon grease on my finger, jerked back because it surprised me, and ended up spilling it down my wrist. The burn wrapped halfway around my wrist. Still have the scar...I think it makes me look like a little bit of a badass.
I use a nightlight for precisely this purpose. --Well, not for nightly cigarettes, but whenever I'm awake and it's dark, which is too often. I am extremely accident prone. My family calls me 'Boo-boo' because I fall down and run into things all the time, thus having lots of 'boo-boos.' It's really bad; I have about four bruises on my body right now and I dont know where from, and I've banned myself from walking in heels; it just doesnt work. My martial arts training doesnt help me any. What did / do you practice?
Judo. a couple types of karate, and aikido. Judo, in particular, consisted largely of learning falls before anything else.
I'm glad your mom bothered to take you to the emergency room. I've suffered many injuries, including a cracked spinal disc, torn cartilage in my shoulder (okay. not her fault. I didn't tell her about that one), and just lots of other stuff. I've been to the hospital once. That was when I broke my arms. Mom was there for a half hour. Then she left me with my grandmother.