1. Sclavus

    Sclavus Active Member

    Aug 26, 2017
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    Halloween Costume for Female Character

    Discussion in 'Character Development' started by Sclavus, Nov 21, 2017.

    I need a Halloween costume for Blair MacDougall. She is 28 and recently retired from the Air Force as a Pararescueman (PJ), in a world where women are an accepted part of the SpecOps community. Blair is a "tomboy" at heart and a nerd. She enjoys history, science fiction, martial arts, and tattoos (giving and receiving).

    Blair is 5' 4" and a redhead, with straight hair to her shoulders. She's a 2nd generation Scottish-Irish American, has green eyes, a freckled pale complexion, and a strong build like you might see in a ballet dancer. She typically wears jeans and button-down tops or tank tops that fit well but allow for self-defense options.

    Though she is attractive, she downplays her natural beauty, and abhors most cosmetics, jewelry, and doesn't care about the latest fashion. That's not to say she disregards her appearance; far from it. She is, however, more concerned with function than fashion, and personal preferences over impressing anyone else.

    She'll kneecap me if I put her in a dress or skirt, but other than that, she hasn't been helpful in giving me ideas for Halloween costumes. Any suggestions?
  2. BayView

    BayView Huh. Interesting. Contributor

    Sep 6, 2014
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    A famous scientist, or historical character? Someone from the news? Traditional monster?

    She doesn't want to be a Sexy _____, but does she want to draw a lot of attention or not? Is she sort who will spend hours creating an elaborate costume, savouring the creative outlet, or will she just throw something on to meet the bare minimum requirements of the party she's attending? (I'm assuming party... there's really no other reason for an adult to dress up for Halloween, is there?)
  3. Sclavus

    Sclavus Active Member

    Aug 26, 2017
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    She just flew in that morning from TBD, USA, but Halloween has always been a big deal for her and her dad. She's not going to a party. She just likes dressing up. I don't know that she'd spend hours on a costume, but she wouldn't just throw something on, either. I think she'd give it some thought and preparation, but she'd also keep it relatively simple.

    A therapist might say that she chooses to dress up to hide behind the persona of the costume as a way of protecting herself from a world she has subconsciously feared since her mother and sister were murdered in a home invasion when she was twelve.
    Simpson17866 likes this.
  4. BayView

    BayView Huh. Interesting. Contributor

    Sep 6, 2014
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    So it's just going to be her dad seeing her? Is there an in-joke they share, or some common bond or something?
  5. Sclavus

    Sclavus Active Member

    Aug 26, 2017
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    Nope, her dad is south of her location. He's stuck in a snowstorm and the beginnings of a zombie uprising. They haven't seen each other in sixteen years. Blair has just arrived at the homeless shelter she'll be working at, and changes out of her uniform into her costume, just to celebrate the day.

    ETA: She has kept in touch with her dad, and he always wore a variation on a William Wallace costume for Halloween (he's from Glasgow). After the home invasion, though, he hunted down and killed the murderers, and ended up defrocked from the priesthood and sent to prison.

    Despite his incarceration, Blair has had a good but distant relationship with her father. When she finally does see him, it'll be the first time she's cried in sixteen years, and she'll be making up for lost time. By then, though, she won't be in costume.
    Last edited: Nov 21, 2017
  6. Georgie S.

    Georgie S. Member

    Oct 24, 2017
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    I have no goddamn clue...
    Is she a flannel person? If so, I might recommend doing a lumberjack costume or something. It needs to be something easy from the clothes she already has (I assume from what you've said), so maybe someone or an occupation that is known for wearing the clothes she likes, such as a lumberjack. I dunno, just spitballing here...
    Simpson17866 likes this.
  7. Amber13

    Amber13 Member

    Nov 7, 2017
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    I think in part it depends on the context - why is she dressing up? And you mentioned that she likes to wear clothes that don't hinder movement - does she needs something that, while a costume, can also be partly functional? (I'm thinking, like, an archer character, whether just a general huntress or something more specific, but it could be any costume that also functions as some kind of weapon/self defense.) A science fiction costume could also play into that functional costume scenario, depending on why exactly she's dressing up. I also like BayView's point about how much attention she's wanting to draw to herself.
  8. izzybot

    izzybot (unspecified) Contributor

    Jun 3, 2015
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    SC, USA
    Bit stock maybe, but the AF mention made me think of my friend who's in the Air Force - she was a pirate this year. Sensible flat boots, option for a cutlass, short sleeves could show off tattoos.
    Sclavus likes this.
  9. Sclavus

    Sclavus Active Member

    Aug 26, 2017
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    She's moved back to her hometown to start a job as the receptionist in the homeless shelter her dad owns. For that job she'll wear jeans and a collared top. She occasionally wears a kilt, but that's for special occasions. It's odd that you mention archery, because I'd totally forgotten that at one point in the ensuing war, she does use a bow.

    As for drawing attention to herself, it's a catch-22. She's the only woman in a shelter for guys. Padre (her dad and boss) means to change that, as he's been hunting for applicants to add to his staff. He wants a security team, a nurse or doctor on staff, more cleaning staff, and educators to help with his program. But, for now, Blair is the first and only woman.

    As a result of that, she's going to get noticed, whether she likes it or not, and while it probably isn't her preference, she's mature enough to handle it. Most of the guys will be in costume as well, so she'll blend into the mass of revelry. The residents of Jude's House Homeless Shelter celebrate most holidays with decorations and parties.

    I was thinking along the lines of a pirate as well.

    I think I might go for a hybrid look. A silk bandana, buttoned shirt with sleeves folded to the elbows, and baggy pants (probably from one of her martial arts uniforms) bloomed from her combat boots in a pirate-esque look. She just came from the airport, so she won't have any faux weapons, but I think maybe Vincent will let her borrow his sheathed hunting knife, which, while it's not a sword, would look big on Blair and has some silver-colored embellishments that would add to the effect.
  10. Homer Potvin

    Homer Potvin A tombstone hand and a graveyard mind Staff Supporter Contributor

    Jan 8, 2017
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    Rhode Island
    Well, between the Halloween blizzard, zombie uprising, defrocked priest, and family murdered via home invasion I don't think the costume will rank too highly on the noteworthy scale as far as the reader is concerned. I'd shoot for something ironic... maybe a nun? Or a bum if she's working at a homeless shelter? Might not be the tone you're looking for, though. No, probably not tonally appropriate at all... sorry.
    BayView likes this.
  11. Sclavus

    Sclavus Active Member

    Aug 26, 2017
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    At the point where the costume applies, we only know that there was a blizzard, which the melter plows have yet to attack. The zombies and priest and family history all comes later. The readers probably wouldn't care what costume she's in, but it'll matter when the homeless shelter burns down and the survivors have to run away from zombies and shooters through the cold.
  12. Homer Potvin

    Homer Potvin A tombstone hand and a graveyard mind Staff Supporter Contributor

    Jan 8, 2017
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    Rhode Island
    I see... I suppose being homeless would give the survivors a leg up on their more sedentary counterparts in that kind of uprising. Is your MC blasting zombies in a Halloween costume during a blizzard? That would have some potential!
  13. OurJud

    OurJud Contributor Contributor

    May 21, 2009
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    Well of course being American, her Halloween costume doesn't have to be even remotely connected to horror, so have her dress as a horse.
  14. Homer Potvin

    Homer Potvin A tombstone hand and a graveyard mind Staff Supporter Contributor

    Jan 8, 2017
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    Rhode Island
    I'm married to one. Every day is Halloween up in here!
    OurJud likes this.
  15. OurJud

    OurJud Contributor Contributor

    May 21, 2009
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    My 'slutty nurse' is now a 'horse' after reading the OP more carefully.
  16. NoGoodNobu

    NoGoodNobu Contributor Contributor

    Sep 19, 2016
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    I never dress up as sexy ____ nor do I really ever buy a premade costume (although I might snag props & partials from a costume store). I used to be "tom boy" but now I'm just kinda whatever I feel like. I like camping & riding motorcycles in the desert and I can move my own furniture & currently live/work on a ranch. I predominantly wear tshirts & jeans/shorts (although I'll throw on a dress to go out occasionally—but actually for the practicality that I can grab ONE THING and magically be presentable without fussing or putting things together).

    So what I usually do is choose something that I personally like or have a connection to. For instance one year my best friend & I went as Buttercup & Westly/Dread Pirate Roberts respectively from Princess Bride: I wore high black boots, black pants, black blouse/tunic, blonde lacefront wig, black scarf, & mask with a cheap sword prop.

    Another year we went as a music group from one music video we loved: my outfit consisted of flats, camouflage shorts {technically with fishnets but more punk than slut}, dark green tank top, and technically dyed my hair blue.

    Another year we went as a casual Harley Quinn & Poison Ivy, then later I did another singer from a music video I loved, as I had flaming red hair at the time. Found an outfit that fit the character of Ivy based on various comics ( and not the slutty costume store versions or even skimpy comic versions) and then I did actually wear a dress for the second one, but a pretty wholesome sort yellow w/ white polka dots tea length number.

    The point being is what does she like? What movies or television programs or music was she in to? That's a whole pool of potential costumes for her to pull from.

    I mean, my bestie & I already have plans to dress up as these guys from an obscure YouTube channel from an even more obscure skit back from several years ago. And we don't care no one gets it or that we'll be 28 years old & wearing costumes for the hell of costumes without parties or big plans. We liked the skit, we like dressing up, we'll quietly find ourselves hilarious even if no one else is in on the joke.

    If your girl likes dressing up for the holiday, she will. And she'll have things that she likes or remembers fondly from her past to draw on without resorting to sexy or cheap costume store sets.

    And it doesn't even have to be real music or movie or whatever. You can decide what she needs to wear & say how it's from such-and-such thing, like her favourite indie band's music video or whatever。
    Last edited: Nov 21, 2017
    Sclavus likes this.
  17. Sclavus

    Sclavus Active Member

    Aug 26, 2017
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    I decided on a variation of Anne Bonny, an 18th century Irish pirate. She can cobble together enough pieces to look the part, and borrow my main character's hunting knife as a prop. She'll be missing the tri-pointed cap and pistols, but as @NoGoodNobu pointed out, Blair doesn't need to impress others or know if anyone "gets" her costume. It's for her, and nods to her Irish mother.
    NoGoodNobu and izzybot like this.

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