So, you have a female assassin who meets a guard..... and you expect help, are you kidding me? This forum is best utilized with specific problems in your character development process.
Yeah, I'm going to have to go with KillBill on this one. This forum isn't about helping someone come with with ideas for stories or characters - no forum should be. If you have problems with developing a character who was beaten as a child and you get stuck with how those emotions may conflict and be expressed when they meet someone they feel they can trust; then post here. No offense, but I don't see how anyone can write their first "serious" novel without knowing how to create a main character. That is incredibly arrogant to say. Translation: Please write my story ideas for me, I have no interest in being apart of this community. Thanks!
Exactly. This isn't the Story Ideas Free Buffet. This is a forum for exploring methods and processes of character development.
Woah, sorry guys, I am fully capable of coming up with my own ideas, I thought it would be a good idea to get some community ideas. I didn't realize I would be treated in such a hostile way, I'll leave you all be then. And C.B, I didn't mean it like that, I simply meant that I cannot post my story for criticism on this site yet as there are rules against such a thing, so I was exploring other methods of receiving help. In which case, I would focus more on the story criticism.
You should also read WHY the rules exist. There are several topics in the Important Information panel of the site home page.
Guys, do we really need to be so harsh to newbies? Sure Scarecrows in the wrong but really we could have put it to him a bit more gently. He's new. I don't want to see this forum wither and die because all the new blood is being scared off. @Scarecrow, as others have said this isn't for having others generate ideas for you, but for smoothing out the ideas you already have. And I think you'll find that this is the best place to get critiques. 20 posts and a 2 week wait is really not that much an investment if you're serious about writing. Some of the higher ups can be a bit stern, but mostly this is a friendly community. We just take writing seriously, so I hope you'll reconsider leaving.