  1. LastMindToSanity

    LastMindToSanity Contributor Contributor

    Feb 8, 2018
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    How in Depth do I Need to be?

    Discussion in 'Research' started by LastMindToSanity, Sep 11, 2020.

    One of my characters is a doctor of sorts. She can operate, and can usually fix whoever is brought to her. Currently, I have her operate on a character's broken spine. My simple question is, how detailed and exact to I need to be whenever she does things like this? Should I explain every step she takes, or can I just cover the simple and basic stuff, like how she stops bleeding and what she does to the spine itself?
  2. Naomasa298

    Naomasa298 HP: 10/190 Status: Confused Contributor

    Sep 9, 2019
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    The White Rose county, UK
    How important is all that detail to your story? Is the fact that she sutures this or cauterises that something the reader needs to know to advance the plot?

    If not, skip it. If so, include it.
    LastMindToSanity likes this.
  3. LastMindToSanity

    LastMindToSanity Contributor Contributor

    Feb 8, 2018
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    It's more of a character thing, really. It's directly related to her power set and how she interacts with a nearby small town, so I at least wanted to expand on how she uses her power. She kind of uses it as a crutch to make up for her lack of actual medical training, which has worked out pretty well. So, I figured it was important in the sense of character development.
  4. Lazaares

    Lazaares Contributor Contributor

    Apr 16, 2020
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    For any research to topics that have a fair impact on your story, there's a couple layers to go through. Of all these, I judge the best is to at least reach the 3rd stage. The biggest mistake to make is to stop at the 2nd. That's what Hollywood tends to do.
    1. I only know things about this topic I heard from various sources.
    2. I have googled onto this topic and read a few articles. I feel I am starting to understand it.
    3. I now have read some scientific articles and feel the topic is even more complex than I initially thought. I once more feel like I know nothing.
    4. After reading a lot more verified articles and perhaps discussing with an expert, I feel like I have a sound picture of the topic.
    5. I have done proper academic research or discourse related to the topic and am confident around the topic.
    LastMindToSanity likes this.
  5. Flamenco1

    Flamenco1 Member

    Sep 2, 2020
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    Fixing a spine sounds like serious surgery to me. The patient, could come out of this paralysed.

    What goes through my mind? Thinking of the medical team: professionalism, skills that are the result of years of study, nerves as cool as ice, steady hands, and teamwork. For the patient: nervousness, fear, relief, and endless thanks.

    I can’t imagine a story where I’d have the slightest interest in the medical procedures. I’d rather hear about the emotions of the players.

    And as Lazaares says, to be done properly it needs a massive investment in research time. It would have to be very vital to the plot for me to go down that route.
  6. Delphine the Delphox

    Delphine the Delphox Member

    Sep 11, 2020
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    I think it should be just enough so that an actual professional in the field can appreciate it and believe it. Any more and it might get too dull for the layman.
    LastMindToSanity likes this.
  7. Aldarion

    Aldarion Active Member

    Jul 7, 2019
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    My advice is, always research stuff several levels deeper than what you are actually going to put in the story. That way, you are less likely to make any immediately obvious mistakes.
    LastMindToSanity likes this.
  8. Thorn Cylenchar

    Thorn Cylenchar Senior Member

    Feb 2, 2019
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    Posting here instead of actually writing

    Unless the details are relevant to the plot I would skip it. Otherwise it's going to be very easy to bog down the reader in medical jargon, and even easier for you to mess up the explanation. There is a reason doctors, especially neurosurgeons, have years upon years of training.

    The most detail I would go in to is figuring out how long that type of surgery usually takes and put "XX hours later, mentally exhausted, she was finally able to peel off her gloves as she exited the operating room."
    LastMindToSanity likes this.

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