I have an assignment to write a childrens book and I have never even attempted something like this before. Anyway I am stuck at this point. It is about a cat who is afraid of everything. This mouse calls out from a tree outside his window at night for help because he is too afraid to come down from the tree... so the cat is totally freaked out from the dark but feels like he has to do something....... Does anyone have ideas as to what he might do? Things he might encounter? I'm mostly looking for a creative idea for how he might rescue or attempt to rescue the mouse... Also he is very afraid of the dark.... and mice.. he doesn't know he is saving a mouse... should I play up the dark as being his worst fear or mice do you think? I don't write a lot so I'm probably bad at the whole planning it out thing.. I'd appreciate any help I can get with this.. I'm excited and frustrated at the same time...
You may not post on this site to ask for help with school assignments. These should be your own work, and you will learn more that way than by having others help you.