They're cute. I was wondering, could the "beating a dead horse" one be added? Sometimes it's needed. Unless people think it might be misused . . .
That poor horsie. He's suffered enough! No need to draw him into our tête-à-têtes. But, to be honest and answer the question, both packs whence I drew the new smilies (the soft smilies and the animated one) were quite large and extensive. I tried to avoid the ones that had strong snark possibility, and I also tried to limit my hand knowing the owner's preference for tidiness.
Rokay. I wanted it once when I was afraid people might think I was doing that very thing--- beating a dead horse--- and wanted to admit I was aware of it.
okay, I'm still confused. What is 'flash' supposed to be for? And I still don't know what brb stands for. Oh wait ...brb means 'be right back?' Aha. Dim bulb lights up. That's what we need. A dim bulb lighting up emoticon. Will be one of my favourites.
We should have a ROFL one. I remember me and another member wanted a trophy and high five one as well We need a Troll smiley... c'mon
O to the M to the G. I mean... as an American and a patriot, I believe in the right to bear arms, but that doesn't mean I think the government should go door to door and hand them out.