I am new to the forum and was wondering whether there is a book club, the same way there is a short story club. Many thanks
There's not, at least not one that's active now. The short story club was recently revitalized -- I was excited for it, but have not been able to take part. I need to be able to sit and read a SS in one sitting, then digest it a bit and then give my thoughts. Most of the time I'm on here I'm dealing with my kids, too, so I often just have a few minutes at a time to read and post -- easy enough for quick questions or responses, but not enough for a thorough reflection of a story. And I've been reviewing stories on another site and as part of a critique group, so I just haven't had time to participate in the one here. There is a section on books, where people can post about particular books, but there's not a club, where we choose one book and discuss it.
There used to be, but people just didn't have the time to participate. So we ended up stopping it after a while. If you want to talk about a particular book, you could always make a thread about it and discuss it with members who have read it. It's not the same as a book club, I know, but it's a pretty good alternative.
Book clubs are hard to coordinate in the forum setting, to many unpredictable schedules and time zone differences. It'd be interesting to see it tried though...I'm curious to how well it would actually come together.
We've tried it twice before, and both times the result was the same. People lost interest and participation dropped.