Has anyone heard from Mallory or Hiddennovelist? Both were valued contributors to the site, and I haven't seen anything from them in several months.
I miss Mallory, too, and HeinleinFan, and Thumpalumpacus (sp?), and several others. Even if I disagreed with them, I enjoyed their contributions. And where's our FunkyBassManNick?
Those are some names that bring nostalgia. I hope Gigi_GNR makes her way back. She did a fanfic that I thought was great.
He used to get a kick out of it when I replied to his comments and signed them "FunkyDrummerManEd". It gave me the idea that a WF jam session might yield some interesting things.
Aaron from down under, where are you? A very young man with wealth of knowledge. I have learned so much from his critiques and comments.
I miss them too! I actually saw him on here fairly recently. I don't think it was more than a month ago so he's around sporadically I think.
This is so weird. I just popped back over here because I got a newsletter e-mail. I haven't thought about this place in forever. I was friends with Heather (hiddennovelist) on the Facebooks, but I kinda quit Facebook too. She was on another board I post on, but I haven't seen her post anything new on there in a while. I still talk to Rob (Lavarian) on G-Chat sometimes.
Hiddennovelist has disappeared as far as i know and i still talk to Mallory who has been very busy lately but when she gets time to write she asks me to review her work. It's quite an honor actually.
How things are. I have a few old members of WF as Facebook friends but we rarely talk, sadly. But hey, there's always the future to think about. New members. New people. New people to call me a peach! (We can all thank Lavarian for that one).
Ohh! hmmm P.S. So, he has a darker side too. If he were a char he would be called a rounded char and he would be praised, not banned P.S.S. Did I just call him a char? Shame on me!
I love you too, dude. But really, I do miss these people. Mallory and hiddennovelist were some of my first friends here. A lot of you I still consider friends. It's kind of amazing how much of an impact you've all made on my life, really. And I would love to keep you all in my lives, post-forums. Hell, ask for an email address or my Facebook anytime.