I have trouble thinking of original forum post titles and I really like the Stones' version of that song... I'm not really new; I joined 5 years ago, but I have been pretty inactive so I thought I'd try and get involved again. Always loved reading and writing, up until about 7 years ago when I wrote my dissertation which was a collection of short stories. I hated it and any need to write completely deserted me. Wasn't too worried, I knew it would come back. And it has! I plan to embrace it and nurture it as much as I can, so I'm doing an online development project, I've started a blog and I'm hoping this forum will play a part too in terms of critique and support; two things I don't really have access to in real life as this is a very private thing for me. I also finally know what my first big story is going to be about, and though I don't have time to start writing it yet, I really want to work on developing the themes and the characters and my style, as I feel a bit rusty. Also, would be awesome if I could find a way to get paid for writing on the side to help my current attempts to break into my chosen career. I've had enough of hospitality! Would be nice to get in touch with other writers too. I'm very interested in trying a collaboration at one point! My writing style is very "feminine" (not girly!) and I tend to lean towards the dark side. My favourite writers are Anne Rice, Angela Carter and Mary Shelley. I hate self-gratuitousness, pretension and unoriginality in writing (mine and others') and I really enjoy pieces of work that have been created with honesty. That has been created with purity of intent from the author instead of being written for someone else. (Difficult to explain..) My goal is to continue to develop and work on my writing through practice, being open to constructive criticism, reading and critiqing others' work and trying many different styles / voices / formats.
Saaar, you seem extraordinarily clear headed about your goals and I admire your honesty in what you desire. I did read Shelley's classic, Frankenstein and can't believe she began it at the age of 18! Virginia Woolf is an author I admire greatly.No one can get inside a character's head the way she can. Good luck!
She was a very talented woman. I never had the wisdom to be able to write at that age; so many things to say without a voice to say them with. Not that I have that now.. Virginia Woolf is a bit outside my timeframe, I keep meaning to read some of her, but never gotten round to it yet. But she is on my list. Do you have a particular recommendation?
I don't understand the contradiction which you are implying. There was no higher meaning to that statement. It is the version I prefer. Sorry if that was unclear to you.