Just purely out of interest, I was wondering if anybody on this board has had their book published, and whether it's something that we might have heard of?
Yes, another published author here. But you won't find me in the forum bookstore. I made a decision to keep my involvement here strictly on a "get advice/give advice" basis without a shred of publicity work. When I do share my experiences of publishing, I do it without reference to the publisher or the books. It keeps things simple. Hence the pen-name here.
Ah that's fair enough, makes sense too! I'd probably create my own pen-name to be honest if I ever got published. Just adds to the mystery of it all
Hi, Self published - twenty two works out and number twenty three in its final edit at present. Cheers, Greg.
I'm not in the bookstore, but yes, published with three novels and a couple of short stories. In my native language.
This makes me wonder about the future of publishing. What percent of anthers will be strictly self-published on-line as opposed to physical prints or even a mixture of the two. I am not published at all yet but I am sure I will go for the whole self-publish road.
In all honesty it doesn't matter these days. I'm traditionally published (by one of the Big Six). Does it mean my books are better than self published books? No. The only difference is the experience. With trad publishing you are more likely to be taken out to lunch by your editor and invited to publishing parties. Self publishing is kinda a lone-thang. Epublishing is even more lone. Hard to do a book launch for an ebook.
I think traditional publishing is going to become more sought-after and given higher status in the years to come. I already see people who refuse to download self-published ebooks because the quality standards are so poor. It's only going to get worse as more and more people go down that route. The good stuff is getting buried in the pile. I can also see various accreditation schemes being invented for self-published books. A kind of stamp of approval to say "this is free of SPAG issues and is correctly formatted" etc. Whether that will be enough, and if it will work in practice, remains to be seen.