I want to make a A-Z book of futuristic inventions. One invention for each letter of the alphabet. I was thinking of making a children's book to get kids into science; but I want to be creative and not just put obvious stuff like A is for Antimatter rocket. I want it to be creative. Any ideas for help?
here is a list of words/terms you could use to build out from... i.e futuristic vehicles Audio/Automobiles/Airplanes/AI Bedrooms/Bathrooms/Batteries/Biotech Communications/Computers/Chairs Dens/Desks/Decks Ergonomics/Entertainment/Engines Firefighting/Food/Forensics Garage/gastronomy/geology/geochemistry Household/Haptics Imaging/Instruments/Industry/IDs Jets/jurimetrics Kitchens/kinematics Living Rooms/Lighthing/Library/Lasers Motorbikes/Music/Meta-Materials Nutrition/Nanotech Oceans/Office Printers/Photography/Patios Quality Controls Rockets/Radio/Robotics Study-Room/Space/Sports Tools/Telephones/Transportation Utilities/urbanology Vehicles/vaccines/volcanology Watches/Water/Wind/Work/Weather Xenobiology/Xeriscpape/xeritransplantation Yards/Yachts Zoos/zygology/zymology
B for biological Hardres C for D for Data sharing through brain waves E for F for a flying car (Obviously) G for artificial grey matter, genetic engineering H for I for immune system reinforces (nano robots) J for jetpacks K for L for M for mind enhancing pills N for nanotechnology O for optical cameras for blind people P for Q for anything that works based on quantum physics. R For Radiation based tools S for anything self-piloting/supercomputers T for time travel U for underground countrywide infrastructure, roads and railways, as well as cities V W for X for Y for Z for zero gravity rooms