1. Samswriting

    Samswriting New Member

    Jun 18, 2008
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    Reviewing technologies (how to make multi quotes)

    Discussion in 'Revision and Editing' started by Samswriting, Jun 21, 2008.

    Ok so your reviewing your first work or your 10,000th but you hate computers and don't understand the bulletin board system your confused and wish you two could use colors and multiple quotes.... here it is

    In the editor there are lots of buttons, they effect the text you select, if you select text and then click the color pull down (the big A with a big line under it) you can select a color for the selected text. Likewise you can quote pieces. Select the text you want to quote and click the thought balloon (it's right next to the mountain picture and the pound (#) button)

    There are other tools such as B I U They all work the same, select the text and click the button.

    Oh but you say, "my friend you are so new, what if I want to put down fresh text that is blue and bold"

    Ah tis a simple matter, Click the B then select the color and type you text.

    you see you can too
    if I put a space in so you could read the code it would look like this:
    [noparse]you see you can too[/noparse]

    common codes are:
    [noparse][/noparse] makes text bold
    [noparse][/noparse] makes text italic
    [noparse][/noparse] makes underlined text
    [noparse] [/noparse] where "blue" can be the color you want your text to be.
    [noparse][SIZE="x"][/noparse][/SIZE] where X is the size you want 1 2 3 4 etc.
    [NOPARSE][NOPARSE][/NOPARSE][/NOPARSE] (the tag used so that I could put these tags without actually making italics/bolds etc.)

    The text you want modified goes between the [] and [/] tags :) if you are familiar with HTML markups, this usage is similar.

    enjoy :)

    *edited to use the no parse tag* Thanks Cog
    *and other fixes*
  2. Scribe Rewan

    Scribe Rewan New Member

    May 22, 2008
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    Brilliant! Thank you so much for doing this I have been trying to work this one (how to do the quoting) out for ages! Which is embarrassing because I'm really good with computers most of the time! Thank you once again this is really helpful.
  3. Samswriting

    Samswriting New Member

    Jun 18, 2008
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    yeah no problem, really would be something worthy of a sticky and to be totally fair, I *COUGH* did not search the forums before I posted (should have but heh).

    Each forum is a bit diff, but the BB coding all works basically the same. Its just a matter of finding the code your looking for.

    Please for the love of all things green and purple, hit preview post BEFORE you actually submit. If you ever like me hand code the BBcode, you will miss closing tags or misspell them from time to time. That totally breaks the code and you have to fix it. So just like we ALL spell check ALL the time. Esp when using BBcode please preview first :).

    Don't be afraid to edit your posts either.
  4. Wreybies

    Wreybies Thrice Retired Supporter Contributor

    May 1, 2008
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    El Tembloroso Caribe
    I neurotically edit posts I’ve made long after the fact when I run across them again and find spelling or grammatical errors. :redface::D
  5. Cogito

    Cogito Former Mod, Retired Supporter Contributor

    May 19, 2007
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    Massachusetts, USA
    There's also a tag [noparse][noparse][/noparse] that allows you to show what a tag will look like.

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