Wayfarer's Tavern

Discussion in 'The Lounge' started by Cogito, Apr 26, 2010.

  1. Lemex

    Lemex That's Lord Lemex to you. Contributor

    Oct 2, 2007
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    Northeast England
    Feeling pretty good today. :) I raised £20 for charity.
  2. Still Life

    Still Life Active Member

    May 4, 2007
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    Between a rock and a hard place.
    Good for you, Lemex! Always appreciate hearing about a little bit of philanthropy. :)

    I'm a bit guilty of not really giving much (in terms of money) to charity, but I do spend a lot of free time with under-privileged kids in our neighborhood. We're putting a film together just for kicks. I'm not with any charity group though. These were kids my sister and I met out in the streets. There are more and more families who are homeless now in Long Beach, California, and I met a pair of young boys who use the bushes behind a local Vietnamese supermarket as a fitting room to change into their school uniforms. (I met them when they popped out of the bushes one morning, actually.) I'm always sticking my nose into other people's business, so we ended up talking to their mother, and she introduced us to a few other families in the same situation as her down here.

    I wish I could give them enough money to start over, but that's not possible. We're looking for programs around our area to see if there is anything that could help get these people back on track. In the meantime, I'm just making friends with the kids. They are seriously starved for friendship.
  3. Gigi_GNR

    Gigi_GNR Guys, come on. WAFFLE-O. Contributor

    Jul 25, 2009
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    Milwaukee, WI
    I'm not ready for tonight's Doctor Who. :(
  4. Eunoia

    Eunoia Contributor Contributor

    Mar 8, 2010
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    ^ I've just watched it and I nearly cried. It was so good! I won't say anything more about it though because I don't want to spoil it for others. :p
  5. prettyprettyprettygood

    prettyprettyprettygood Active Member

    Sep 8, 2011
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    I'm trying to write an application for a job I would absolutely love but goodness I hate writing applications so much, so I'm mindlessly browsing the Internet instead.
  6. Link the Writer

    Link the Writer Flipping Out For A Good Story. Contributor

    Sep 24, 2009
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    Alabama, USA
    Hello everyone! Ever gotten randomly sick? Yeah, that happened to me last night. Got chills, headache, and soreness all over. For no reason!

    And I'm still working on my Thesis. 8/20 pages, and am plotting out a huge chunk that I hope will expand it.
  7. Eunoia

    Eunoia Contributor Contributor

    Mar 8, 2010
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    Woo for you guys helping charities/people! :D Still Life, sometimes money isn't the best way to give and help. What you're doing is great. :)

    I know the feeling. Just searching for jobs is tiresome enough, never mind actually applying. It's so tedious completing application forms that I end up doing a bit, then browsing the internet/doing other stuff, then go back to it.
  8. Lemex

    Lemex That's Lord Lemex to you. Contributor

    Oct 2, 2007
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    Northeast England
    That's really sweet! :) And the film sounds pretty interesting. What is it? A documented or fiction? Either way, that sounds like something I wouldn't mind doing myself. It sounds rather fun actually.

    Sucks to hear about people in your part of the world being driven to such things though, that must be horrible. I can't imagine what doing something like that must be like.

    I've been volunteering at my local library, and there was a charity cafe event on my first day being ran by Macmillan Cancer Support. I was handling the library shop, things like set prices and bric-a-brac. It was the first time I've ever tried serving people, and it was quite intimidating at first, but became a lot of fun. All the proceeds went to that charity, and everyone managed to raise somewhere near the sum of £120. Felt really good doing something positive.

    Thanks. :)
  9. Gigi_GNR

    Gigi_GNR Guys, come on. WAFFLE-O. Contributor

    Jul 25, 2009
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    Milwaukee, WI
    I have a funeral to go to in the next two days; my great-grandma passed away Friday morning. We got to visit her this summer, though, so I'm glad we got to see her before she died.

    My great-grandpa asked me to do a reading at the funeral. It's an honor, and I'm nervous... I just want to do my best.
  10. Eunoia

    Eunoia Contributor Contributor

    Mar 8, 2010
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    ^ Sorry to hear about your great grandma. Good luck with the reading. :)

    As for me, I'm having issues with my appearance. I'm trying to mature my look because, well, kinda tired of looking like I'm still at school and that won't do me any favours in trying to get a job/taken seriously. So I searched online and one overriding aspect that is advised (other than the obvious clothes and hair) is make-up. I've always been sort of proud that I don't wear make-up. This is partially because I don't see the point in putting make-up on purely to please others, partially because I'm not into make-up (seriously, I don't have a clue), and partially because I'm lazy. In a bit of a dilemma whether to give up and join the delights of applying make-up or stick with my principles and just hope that making other changes will make me look mature. I hate being an adult. :(
  11. idle

    idle Active Member

    Aug 1, 2012
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    one of the hearts of Europe
    If you don't like to wear make-up, just don't.

    Your post describes me a lot, actually. I too don't like to wear make-up, for similar reasons, and I have always looked younger (even as a kid, and I hated it; it's a lot more bearable now). Never really gave much thought to trying to look older, though, maybe it would have helped me a bit.

    Thinking about it, I'd also suggest that behaviour adds a lot to the result. Of course that's much harder to adjust than clothes or haircut, but if you manage to act as a mature person, others will take you more seriously too.
  12. JessWrite

    JessWrite Word Nerd & Proud! Contributor

    Aug 13, 2011
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    My Old Kentucky Home
    @Eunoia I didn't start wearing make-up (besides a few drops of liquid concealer) until this past year when I turned 18. I didn't choose to wear it for others or to look older, but just for myself and it makes me feel fresh and confident. I was also a bit nervous to start wearing it because I didn't want it to look overdone, so I started it light--very light with only my concealer and some mascara. Then I moved on to light eyeshadow (in neutral tones or pinks, since I have blue eyes), and now I use a dusting of mineral powder but not too much. :) I haven't tried eyeliner.

    I think of makeup as a way to boost or enhance your natural beauty, not to try and be a different person. Like they always say, less is more. But, if you try it lightly and still don't feel comfortable with it by all means don't wear it. Do what makes you feel comfortable.
  13. prettyprettyprettygood

    prettyprettyprettygood Active Member

    Sep 8, 2011
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    For interviews, if you're going to be uncomfortable wearing makeup I'd say don't bother, but if you can stand a subtle slick of waterproof mascara and a dab of concealer on any spots you may have then that would be enough to give a slightly more 'polished' look.

    I hate wearing makeup too, I only wear it if I'm going out somewhere posh :p I do look a bit younger than I am as a result, I still get ID'd buying alcohol at 30 years old, but I don't find I have problems getting taken seriously at work - first impressions are important but after that its what you say/do that matters.
  14. lixAxil

    lixAxil Self-Proclaimed Senator of the RPG subforum. Contributor

    Sep 1, 2012
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    The sea of fragments
    That moment when you want to post some of your writing, but is all in spanish, and you're too lazy to translate it
  15. Lemex

    Lemex That's Lord Lemex to you. Contributor

    Oct 2, 2007
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    Northeast England
    Speaking as a guy, I find the natural, non-makeup look much more attractive.
  16. Eunoia

    Eunoia Contributor Contributor

    Mar 8, 2010
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    Thanks everyone. :)

    I think I'll do without make-up. It's not a me thing so there is no point trying to be into it. I'll just add a bit of foundation/concealer when I need to for interviews, occasions etc. because I still have the joys of spots.
  17. cybrxkhan

    cybrxkhan New Member

    Jun 16, 2009
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    Same here. I really don't like clown faces. :rolleyes:

    I didn't like it very much when my (female) cousins told me I shouldn't be complaining about girls who like playing with (what I saw as a lot of) makeup (and I thought they looked better without makeup, but I guess they just preferred quite a lot). Sometimes it really isn't necessary. A lot, that is. I've accepted the fact that a little is necessary now and then, but a lot? Really now.
  18. Still Life

    Still Life Active Member

    May 4, 2007
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    Between a rock and a hard place.
    To be honest, it really depends on who your potential employer is. Sometimes make-up and dress can make or break a deal for a woman; sometimes not. This depends on what kind of job you're applying for. With every place, first impressions mean everything. You don't have to go all out, but foundation alone might make you appear pale and wan.If you're not used to make-up, you should just go simple: Do the tinted moisturizer (or foundation, which you're used to) /concealer/natural blush highlighting your cheekbones combo. You don't have to draw your brows in either; You could just use a brow brush to comb them into a nice, natural shape. And voila! Natural and hassle-free, makes you look refreshed, and could be done in five minutes.

    Personally for me, looking presentable makes me feel more confident about myself and prepares my psyche for whatever's coming. I'm not sure if that works for all woman, but it's worked for me when I tried to (and did) land this job in corporate for a mid-sized company.
  19. Ashleigh

    Ashleigh Contributor Contributor

    Oct 16, 2008
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    In the comfort of my stubborn little mind.
    Eunoia, you can wear make-up to freshen your face up and feel more confident, without looking like you're wearing much if any at all. I'm wearing make-up in all my facebook pictures, but for 99% of them you probably wouldn't know it. It's all about how you feel in interviews, I think, more than how you look. Besides, you're beautiful so you can get away with it! :)
  20. JessWrite

    JessWrite Word Nerd & Proud! Contributor

    Aug 13, 2011
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    My Old Kentucky Home
    Well...an hour ago I got my daily dose of feeling dumb.

    My parents had just gone out to the post office leaving me home alone with my sister. Right after they left my sister was searching around for some scotch tape. So, I thought I'd just call and tell my parents to pick some up on their way home. I got voice mail and it sounded like a bunch of static at first, then a voice said "You know what to do!" I thought that was odd, yet being me, I said hello but the automated voice cut me off saying my message was too short. :confused: I hung up to call again, thinking my dad's cell wasn't working.

    After two failed tries, I got a phone call back. It was said it was a text message, but I was using our landline. I hung up without a response and a few seconds later got another phone call back. It was a man that demanded to know who I was...

    Yeah, I had called my dad's old cell number. The poor guy probably thought I was prank calling him!

    My parents came home with no scotch tape and my sister laughing at me. I went through all of that for nothing. And that is my story of the day. :p
  21. lixAxil

    lixAxil Self-Proclaimed Senator of the RPG subforum. Contributor

    Sep 1, 2012
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    The sea of fragments
    I'm doing this post as a test. Those who saw it, please notice if in a few hours it dissapears without reason.
  22. Still Life

    Still Life Active Member

    May 4, 2007
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    Between a rock and a hard place.
    The kids have already put together a short script a la Blair Witch Project; It was their choice, not mine. I've pitched the idea to a few friends, who volunteered their own kids to help as well. Basically we'll shoot the trailer at different locations using a (vomit-inducing) HD handheld cam and some borrowed sound equipment, and then I'm going to teach them how to edit the video (to be less vomit-inducing).

    These kids seem to be able to sense whether or not you genuinely care about them and/or having a good time with them, so I'm glad to know I've passed the test. :)

    Sounds like you had a great time doing something meaningful. I'd be so nervous serving people! Is Macmillan Cancer Support a cancer research center or are they a charity group that raises money for cancer research? Now that I've finished typing all that, I realize that I could have just googled it. I could do that...but I've already typed it out, and I'd rather hear it from you anyway.
  23. lilix morgan

    lilix morgan Member

    Mar 15, 2009
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    Hah! Not to laugh at your expense, but that definitely brought a smile to my face, and after today's list of frustrations, I so needed it.

    My daily dose of dumb isn't quite dumb so much as inexperience. I didn't know you can't mail files over 25MBs in email, and earlier this week I went to email those who volunteered in a blog tour for one of my upcoming books. Email was done nicely, banners and buttons for websites done, and then I go to add the books. File too big. I proceeded to explode violently at my desktop, which froze on me afterwards (for the first time in... three years) and had to start over from scratch on my laptop and still find the solution to downgrading my file size. Ugh.

    On a less-whiny-dramatic note, we celebrated my late-brother's 14th birthday on Sunday. Mom found a company that does dove releases, and the whole family got to release one personally, then one was released for my brother, and then the woman released a crate filled with them. Music, cupcakes, and flowers brought the whole thing to a beautiful tear-jerker. I miss him every day.
  24. Eunoia

    Eunoia Contributor Contributor

    Mar 8, 2010
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    Thanks Still Life and Ashleigh. :)

    Haha, I'm with you on that. I don't get why girls feel the need to plaster themselves in layers of make-up. A bit yeah, but not excessive amounts.
  25. Cogito

    Cogito Former Mod, Retired Supporter Contributor

    May 19, 2007
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    Massachusetts, USA
    Yeah, if you're applying makeup with a trowel, it should be a wake up call that you really don't have much self-esteem.

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