People gave my sister all kinds of crap when she didn't go straight into college, too. :/ I know everyone says that the longer you wait to go back to school, the less likely it becomes that you'll actually do it, but I don't think that means you need to go straight from high school to college or your future is ruined forever. People overreact too much...
I really want to go to school too but I know me and unless I'm doing something I really love I won't put as much effort into it and there's a good chance I could waste my fathers money and I would feel so bad.
Nonnie, is there a local community college in your area? I can understand not wanting to waste money and such, but I wouldn't recommend waiting a year before applying as it may hurt your chances. Going to a community college will allow you to take the basic courses and transfer them to a school of your choice when you have figured out what you would like to study. And they are relatively inexpensive!
I've already finished all but one class that i need for all the basics. I got that **** out of the way in highschool, I think I graduated with 20 credits-- all I really need next is math.
I second that notion Shannon. Get a good feel for an affordable school, they are about, and it's good to get the old brain busy. Schools should be free (but not mandatory) in all countries, we have a right to be educated. When I become Emperor of Earth it shall be done... *** I am unhappy because my sister is...sigh, queen of the harpies; empress of all gorgons. Me and her made up after our trivial and childishly melodramatic battle last year, but it's not like we have anything to talk about. She tries to, but I'm honestly uninterested in anything she has to say. She is a vapid, trite, shrill banshee with a tendency for banal banter and texting lingo in the middle of a verbal conversation. Sometimes I just want to choke her. I know it's bad to talk so harshly about your own sibling, and it might seem stridently cynical of me, but sometimes I just want to ignore her because she is so obnoxiously...common. She used to be like Lisa Simpson when we were kids, she became Kelly Bundy. What the hell happened to my genius sister? I used to look up to her brilliance, and now she has become a reality TV watching, hollywood gossiping, iphone app abusing/phone text junkie who is against vaccination because she thinks it causes autism. *Facepalm* I want my real sister back! PS - my sister talk like a valley girl now, for no reason whatsoever, every time she opens her mouth I want to duct tape it shut ><
Seconding the community college suggestion. I teach at an ag-tech college that I'm an alumna of (2001) and used as a community college for my own benefit--I transferred as a junior into Mt. Holyoke, so my degree says Mt. Holyoke (2003), but I paid half the cost for that prestige on the degree. It's worth going for that reason alone; if you're worried about wasting money, it's much less risky a venture. Additionally, many state colleges offer much more substantial financial aid to state residents than do more expensive private schools; you may want to look into that too, and then transfer into a more prestigious school as a sophomore or junior. jon--As someone with a law degree who gleefully watches Hell's Kitchen and is on Facebook a moderate amount, I'm a firm believer of all things (including reality TV and Facebook) in moderation. Is your sis beyond that philosophy? I'm not sure if I've formulated the question properly (too hot here, blech) but I think it's clear, anyway. PS: Sorry for umpteenth repetition of law degree, but I'm using it for a point here.
I know exactly what you meant Aconite. Everybody watches reality TV, and even a misanthrope like me has a Facebook account (that I almost never use, it's like an electronic popularity contest..befriend me befriend me! Yuck) My sis takes it to a whole new level of silliness though, she has the mentality of a middle school brat in a grown woman's body. As she would say "so not fetch" moderation in all things is a good philosophy indeed
I am not going to community college. Period. I am an elitist snob and I don't give a damn. I'd cut off my nose to spite my face and all that. No more suggestions.
Working opposite shifts as Joel sucks. Really, really sucks. Grrrrrrrr. I thought after last week (pretty much our busiest week of the year at my job) it would get better, but it hasn't......
I'm sick. I've got some virus that's been going around and I'm all feverish and generally feeling like anus. To top it all off I have my time of the month and an unfinished assignment due tomorrow.
I don't like all this rain. Also, I need to talk to someone about a few things only I don't have the guts to. I guess I better do it sooner rather than later (although already been avoiding it for a while) because it often upsets me but bleurgh, it's scary.
Got my first ever rejection letter for a piece of Flash Fiction. It sucks, but in a way it kind of makes me feel more like a "real" writer in a weird way.
entering fourth week of not being able to walk - last couple of days the pain and frustration have started to get to me not feeling myself lol
I have fibromyalgia (like ME/cfs) can kind of make it from Living room to kitchen few times of day but then need to rest. I haven't been like this for ten years so struggling a bit.
Flipping heck. That sounds terrible. Any signs of it letting up a little so you'd be able to get out and about?
that is me a little better lol Ugh no idea its so bloody unpredictable, plus side have bought a house were I can have a downstairs bedroom so that should help in a few weeks, it is better set up so I can look after the kids properly when my husband is at work. I should be getting better sleep and be able to cope better. On plus side my novel got finished because of it
That's awful Elgaisma! I remember doing a report on CFS when I was in high school... Horrid disease. I do hope you feel better soon! *hug!*
Thanks lol normally I am positive about it, my life went in a completely different direction because of it and its not been bad. It is just part of me. But last month house is a mess, husband is exhausted, kids loved but seriously not looked after the way I would like etc Hopefully the move in a few weeks we can adapt better.
Congratulations and welcome to the club---if there ever was a select group you are in it now At least we can all say that we tried now
Three of my kids were taken today from their loving home with Bob and Joyce (and for a while, me!) and sent back to a life of poverty. Not knowing if they're safe tonight makes my heart very, very heavy.
Read an article that just really made me upset with this stupid world of ours. Quoted from, Wish 2012 and all the rumours about it were true, so we could wash away the build up of scum.