I have come to the conclusion that it is far, far too easy to talk too much about writing instead of actually writing. Constantly refining plots, concentrating on world building, obsessing over what to do and what not to do, trying to get answers on what works and what doesn't, what the rules of writing are, what you should or should not include, whether something that worked in the past is now outdated etc. etc. etc. I find it worse when your conversation partner is an AI. That leads you down all sorts of irrelevant meanderings. Just get on and write the damn thing! Discuss.
You must be enjoying it? I don't read anything negative in what you say. Irrelevant meanderings are one of my favourite things. When we are ready to write, we write. I notice you have actually been productive of late.
When I say "I", I should properly say "one". I do enjoy it, but so much of what I talk about is either totally unconnected to my writing, or I'm stoking my ego, by getting ChatGPT to be nice to me. Because no one else will. The biggest drawback is how much time it swallows.
Sorry, I don't have any answers for you. You looking at the biggest jumper into the rabbit hole there is. Everything is so interesting! I say just soak it in. I think in the long run, it helps to inspire our writing.
I'm not really looking for answers, this is just a general rant on how much easier it is to talk about writing than to actually do it. Sometimes, you get so fixated on doing things "right" that you don't ever get round to doing it.
Maybe what we are talking about is procrastination. I'm pretty good at that, too. But then an idea strikes, and I go!
Exactly, you get it. It's a fatal writing habit to have. Breaking it is also easier said than done, especially when it turns out a long time of development didn't save your story from being awful. (Speaking from personal experience with that one.)
Talking about writing has always helped me. Even back on high school papers. whenever i was stuck on where to start or what to write, talking it out always helped. Even if its just to hear my thoughts out loud.... even if the other person contributes little to the conversation. Sometimes during the process, something will click in to place, or a spark of an idea will come through, and i suddenly have a direction. Happens to me all the time here. Sometimes just me typing out a question on here to post, triggers another thought which gets me through my block. There have been times where AFTER i post something, I end up figuring it out because writing out the issue helped me organize it enough to where i found clarity. And, when i do get answers, I tend to talk it out until, again, something sparks and idea. It helps me.... to some it may be annoying. to others, i may come off as argumentative (my husband snapped at me recently, "i gave you my answer, why do you keep pushing?".... that kinda hurt my feelings. it wasnt personal, and wasnt that i didnt accept his answer. its just, it didnt trigger anything, and so I wanted to talk it out more and follow the train of thoughts to a solution)
I don't disagree. But sometimes, I think the ideal time to talk about writing is *after* you've written it, not before.