Hey guys, so I'm writing a novel, and I also have absolutely no idea what I'm doing.. I'm looking for ways to get over writers block, but all the top results when i look it up are things I've already tried. I've also never been part of a writers forum so I'm new at all of this. I've started writing like four books but I gave up on most of them... Two are still in progress, but my focus is mostly on one. Their both fiction/fantasy...
Hi Rose, Welcome. I have a hard time sticking with one thing, novel or even genre. Working on it. All we can do, right? There is a lot of helpful information here and lots of friendly folks as well. Jump in.
Hello and welcome, Rose. glad you've joined us. We've got a Writer's Block Thread, with thousands of replies, that you might like to check out: https://www.writingforums.org/threads/the-writers-block-thread.18508/ Looking forward to seeing you in the forums!
Welcome to the forum, Rose. Ask some specific questions in the various subforums here on the areas that you're stuck on, I'm sure we can help out. I mean, I'm an expert on writer's block, I've had it that many times, and I imagine most people here are the same!
Thanks everybody!! I'm curious, what are everyones favorite genres? I'm a hopeless romantic, and I have tried writing romance, but I never can...
I write multiple genres. Fantasy, horror, sci-fi, some historical fiction. I'll incorporate elements of other genres like romance into the above.
Cool! So... I'm still unclear on the whole critique thing, and the 2 for 1 thing... Can anyone explain?
Hi Rose, and welcome to the forum! The crit rules are fairly simple. You want to post a piece for critique? Pay it forward by helping another member first. Critting is an essential part of the writer's day. You will learn a lot about your own work by looking critically at the work of others. One of the side effects is that you find you start to read like a writer not a reader, but all opinions are welcome (though some are more welcome than others...) as you will find when you post some of your own work. It's part of the game though. It's better for someone here to find issues than a potentially paying customer? Enjoy the forum. It's a fun,useful, and welcoming place. Any questions or issues, feel free to reach out to the Mod team.
Also, the critique requirement has been reduced to 1:1 - that means that for each critique you want to receive for your own work, you need to post one on someone else's work. You also get one critique for "free" - you can post a piece for critique without having done one for someone else. But you can always do a critique for someone voluntarily. Critiquing is one of the best ways to improve your own writing, by understanding what works, what doesn't and what to do in your own works. It's a very important and worthwhile thing to do, and I heartily recommend it! Remember - don't take critiques personally. They're not trying to rip your work apart, most people post them to help you identify the areas that need attention or improvement. Anyone who can read can crit, so don't be afraid to make your thoughts known!
Hi Rose, welcome! The best advice is to become highly active on this site, hone your writing skills, ask tons of questions, meet other writers who are friends, and then, in time, sit down at the computer and let it rip. I find writer's block is like working out - once you stop it takes a huge effort to restart, but all it takes is getting your buns to the gym that first time, and then you're running five days a week. People here are all really nice, I hope you enjoy it here! Td-