Hi, my name is Lauren Bischoff. I am a young woman believed to be on the Autism Spectrum Disorders, which turns out to be more likely ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder). I loved writing anything since I was a kid, it started with getting into Fantasy, paranormal, etc after reading so many fantasy, paranormal, etc books as a child. I came up with my first superhero story about a chick and bunny, for a sixth grade project. Since then I knew I was meant to be an author, a writer, or blogger. When I am not writing I am spending time with my family, especially my nephew, and my pets. I love to bake, draw, paint, play video games, go to book clubs, play a musical instrument "Piano or Guitar," Sing, do Karate, and Theatre. Maybe even visit a few national parks, I love being outside and in nature, including visiting museums, and doing travel. My favorite vacation spot is Walt Disney World, more so than Hershey Park, no offense. Even if there's some history behind it. My favorite animal was once an elephant when I was a kid, but as a teen to adult I love snakes, considering I have been placed in the Harry Potter World, Slytherin as my house team. It makes me feel good, prideful with my talents because not all Slytherins are mean, and I do have that resourceful, ambitious attitude. It fits me perfectly. So, I'm in the house of Merlin himself, with the Bloody Baron.
Welcome, Lauren. I don't mean to offend, but have you considered breaking your text up into paragraphs? It will make things easier to read. I'm a bit of a Slytherin myself. But like you, not mean. I hope you find this place to your liking! Thanks for sharing.
Hello and welcome Lauren, and thank you for sharing yourself in such a lovely introduction. We're glad you've found us, and look forward to seeing you in the forums!
Welcome to the site, Lauren. Don't be afraid to get stuck in - I'm sure you'll find the site friendly and supportive, and don't be afraid to get stuck in on any topic that piques your interest!
Welcome to the site! "Bischoff" is a rather rare name. I used to go to school with a girl named Susan Bischoff (or maybe Suzanne... we just called her "Susie"). I'm wondering if you were related.
Welcome Lauren. Glad you dropped in. With ADHD have you had problems finishing a novel? When I started seriously writing in the past, I thought a novel would help me focus on completing a task, but my focus wondered and my effort ended up being a short story. After some time, I realized I actually had finished something and that gave me the courage to keep writing. That was ten years ago and now I've written four novels and a memoir.
Me, it took me a while to write my first novel and publish it. I would sometimes have to take breaks in between writing, to reduce writer's block. It's helpful and a good tip for me to give other writers right now. I also have written short stories, and many poems. Natural flare during my school years, it helps with expressing feelings in a more positive light. Not everyone really appreciated it, and I had many which would discourage me from having an imagination. But I never listened to my peers. My teachers however, gave me lots of support on it.
Welcome Lauren, can't wait to interact with you in the forums. My take on the Harry Potter world is they should have hidden one landmine on the Hogwarts grounds or made Hagrid a vampire, just to spice things up a bit. Maybe release one pteranodon during the quiddich matches, haha. But that's just me (I'm old). Anyhoo, welcome!