
In-dept classroom experience or light/sifting classroom experience?

Poll closed Nov 15, 2017.
  1. In-depth classroom experience, with light irregular/weekend style adventures

    0 vote(s)
  2. Light Classroom Experience with more regular/daily in-dept adventures.

  1. Fantasy/Action

    Fantasy/Action New Member

    Nov 8, 2017
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    Class Environment, more or less?

    Discussion in 'Setting Development' started by Fantasy/Action, Nov 8, 2017.

    I am currently writting a novel but have ran into a blockade. There is a class setting. The possibilities for this setting can be limitless, but there are two main ways that I was thinking of doing it. Either in-depth day to day classes where the majority of the transcript happens in the classroom; or touching lightly on the in-class-demographics. The world is vast and to give a comparison of time and effort I am spending on this. The first eighteen chapters were written at age 16-17. I began writting it because I love three genres and while I could find a plethora of a single genre mixed with another, all three genres together escaped my findings. Since beginning it though, it has taken on a whole different form. I have now gone back many years later, edited the previous work, and realized that the one manuscript is actually two. Not because of its size mind you, but rather the details therein that go far past what is supposed to be achieved in book one. The time for this editing has been over 6 months. The time I literally have just spent on the landscape, world, and continents alone has been over nine days and I am with only a small fraction of an idea of how I am going to setup the geography. The races in my novel? That was a whole month and is still slightly unfinished. Like I said I am mixing three genres and as such it is my goal to include as much of each as is creatively possible. Now, the whole reason the main character is going to this class setting in the first place is to teach the readers about the world they are diving into.
    Yes, I could have simply touched on everything as the characters go on their journeys, but I wanted to go a different route from the normality.
    Now, to decide on in-dept classroom settings with weekend equivalent small adventures; or more small adventures with a light touching on classroom settings?
    When I say in-depth, think of yourself literally sitting in that class listening to all that is being taught and discussed.
    When I say light touching, literally think of you just sifting in and out of the classrooms in a more rapid pase only touching key points of that classes academics.
  2. BayView

    BayView Huh. Interesting. Contributor

    Sep 6, 2014
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    As little as possible. As much as needed.
  3. peachalulu

    peachalulu Member Reviewer Contributor

    May 20, 2012
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    occasionally Oz , mainly Canada
    Hard to say. I agree with Bayview -- plus remember there's an urge in a writer to include every little thing for the reader but a lot of times the reader is more than okay with not knowing everything. There's a satisfaction in wanting more but not having more. So if you're doing it to fill in details ... meh - maybe they're not that necessary? Think of your characters -- who are they? Are they the type that want to absorb everything or are they more caught up in other aspects of their life.
  4. big soft moose

    big soft moose An Admoostrator Admin Staff Supporter Contributor Community Volunteer

    Aug 1, 2016
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    East devon/somerset border
    its hard to say but I could see in depth class being boring as hell to the reader
  5. Magical Writer

    Magical Writer Member

    Oct 8, 2012
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    Kent, England
    Light classroom for me. I'm with big soft moose; I'd find the in-depth classroom boring. Info dumps are a big intellectual turn off for me. Unless you could combine the lectures in with practical adventures, show rather than tell where possible kind of thing.
  6. Fantasy/Action

    Fantasy/Action New Member

    Nov 8, 2017
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    I am not doing it so much to be a filler, but more to allow the full immersion of the reader.
    Also I think I may have to post a comment about what I fully mean by in-depth verses sifting touch.
  7. Fantasy/Action

    Fantasy/Action New Member

    Nov 8, 2017
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    When I say in-depth classroom experiences I think of sections similar to the inclass scenes in the harry potter movies. (I desperately need to read her actual work. I just did not want to spoil the movies as is the case with, lord of the rings [movies inaccurate] and Eregon [movie is grossly inaccurate])
    So I have not read the books yet because you can better enjoy the movies if you watch them first and then read the more detailed book.

    Now, if I were to do the sifting style of in class details it would be more like the Netflix Anime, "Vampire Knight"
    Most everything that is related to the story is taught in environments that are outside of the class. The class is simply a setting within the story and it does nothing for giving any information relating to the story line or the world.
  8. Fantasy/Action

    Fantasy/Action New Member

    Nov 8, 2017
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    After reading your input, along with discussing the topic with those that have read my virgin manuscripts and those that know my characters intimately, I have come to a conclusion.
    I will have my character spend as much time in the classroom setting as needed to get certain things that need to be taught, taught. The majority of the descriptions and world will be taught as he goes on different journeys. Thank you all for your help. I greatly appreciate it.
  9. newjerseyrunner

    newjerseyrunner Contributor Contributor Contest Winner 2022

    Apr 20, 2016
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    Does the classwork in any way relate to the themes of the story?

    Ready Player One has a number of chapters that take place in the school. The classwork was barely touched on, it was more about the student's reaction to the classwork that was interesting. But the classwork itself served as important purpose in jogging the memories of the main character. I forget exactly what happened, but something the teacher said relating to the work made him make an important discovery.

    I would go the same way: write what's relevant to the story and maybe a little extra to allow the reader to gauge the type of people your story includes. You can tell a lot about a character by how seriously they take their education.
  10. Fantasy/Action

    Fantasy/Action New Member

    Nov 8, 2017
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    Everything that happens in the classroom is important. There are no "information dumps" in my novel. I have the skill and knowledge naturally to write anything I want in such a way that it captivates everyone's attention. I simply have no desire to use that skill in daily communication. My main character has been extremely sheltered from the world in a false effort to protect him. All it did though was make him weak. The classes he is attending are normally started at age 16. He is turning 17. So he has that disadvantage. My main character follows the idea of a somwhat generic teenage slight rebel guy. He has "some" skills but is erogant in a teenage manner about almost everything. Yet he has the respect to acknowledge when he has made a mistake. He moreso is trying to protray himself as tough, knowledgeable, and not weak. Just abojt everyone sees through it though.

    I am in desperate need of people that are willing to read my work and not steal it, so that I can get the largest feedback basis possible. I have 10 people i trust very much currently with my virgin documents. What do you know about the feedback and sharing features in this forum? I messaged a guy that was supposed to be an admin and veteran of this forum but he has not replied.
  11. BayView

    BayView Huh. Interesting. Contributor

    Sep 6, 2014
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    If you "have the skill and knowledge naturally to write anything I want in such a way that it captivates everyone's attention," why would you need more than ten trusted people to read it? Just write it in your magical way that no other writer in the world has ever managed, and then you'll be fine.
  12. Laurin Kelly

    Laurin Kelly Contributor Contributor

    Jun 5, 2016
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    I know that this fear of someone's work being stolen from the workshop comes up all the time on this forum, and I am yet to have been provided with a single example of when it has ever happened even once in the history of the boards. No one wants your story or ideas, as we are all very busy working on our own equally awesome ones.
  13. K McIntyre

    K McIntyre Active Member

    Dec 16, 2015
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    Trust yourself. But don't fall into the trap of thinking that everything you write is gold. Listen to those you trust when they say that maybe something is in need of re-writing. But above all, trust your inner voice.
  14. newjerseyrunner

    newjerseyrunner Contributor Contributor Contest Winner 2022

    Apr 20, 2016
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    Agreed. For every time Stephen King released a The Shining, he also released a Tommyknockers. For every Clear and Present Danger, Clancy wrote a Red Rabbit.

    Also, I tend to find that creative people don’t want to steal ideas, and non creative people aren’t worth worrying about anyway.
  15. big soft moose

    big soft moose An Admoostrator Admin Staff Supporter Contributor Community Volunteer

    Aug 1, 2016
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    East devon/somerset border
    I quite liked red rabbit as it goes , it was certainly better than the dross that went out under his name after 9/11
    newjerseyrunner likes this.
  16. Homer Potvin

    Homer Potvin A tombstone hand and a graveyard mind Staff Supporter Contributor

    Jan 8, 2017
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    Rhode Island
    Me too! I'm so misunderstood!
  17. big soft moose

    big soft moose An Admoostrator Admin Staff Supporter Contributor Community Volunteer

    Aug 1, 2016
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    East devon/somerset border
    Modest too, although your claim is somewhat undermined by not being able to spell 'arrogant ' (Ironic that)

    If you mean @Wreybies hes been a bit busy surviving a hurricane .. the other admin is @Daniel though he's a rare sighting these days.

    For feedback and sharing you need the workshop for which you need to have been a member for 14 days, have posted 20 worthwhile (ie not spammy) posts and to post two critiques of other peoples work for each peice you post for critique. The chapter and verse is in the Pm you got on joining
  18. Fantasy/Action

    Fantasy/Action New Member

    Nov 8, 2017
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  19. big soft moose

    big soft moose An Admoostrator Admin Staff Supporter Contributor Community Volunteer

    Aug 1, 2016
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    East devon/somerset border
    "So with that being said, would anyone here want to read my virgin manuscripts?"

    14 days and 20 posts (and 2 for 1 crit) to access the workshop

    90 days and 100 posts to access the collab forum
  20. Fantasy/Action

    Fantasy/Action New Member

    Nov 8, 2017
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    I did not ask, "would anyone like to go to the workshop and review my work?". I asked if any of them would like to read my manuscripts. The rules of posting in this forum do not apply to me sending individuals an access door to view my novel in an environment that is protected. The rules here only apply to posting in here.
    Also, a requirement to post your work, or ones in the automotive forums to be able to post items for sale are ridiculous.
    This should be a free environment where everyone can post anywhere regardless of what they have done. Some do not have the time to do all of those posts. The majority of people in this world have lives outside of forums.
    Also, you just crowded up my thread about a question with nonsense. Ridiculous, this is why millennials annoy people.
  21. big soft moose

    big soft moose An Admoostrator Admin Staff Supporter Contributor Community Volunteer

    Aug 1, 2016
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    East devon/somerset border
    If you don't qualify for the collaboration forum you shouldn't be inviting collaboration , if you don't qualify for the workshop you shouldn't be soliciting people to give you crit - but what the hell I'm not a mod, ignore my advice, break the rules if you want ... you'll only have yourself to blame when you get banned.

    Rule in question "if you are requesting a beta-read for a complete manuscript that is not posted in the Workshop, please request this in the Collaborative Projects subforum. Beta reads may be requested only after you have satisfied the Writing Workshop requirements, as well as been a member for 90 days, and made 100 posts"

    More to the point you have a terribly arrogant attitude about how little you have to learn so I can't think why anyone would waste their time giving your crit

    ETA for the record I'm not a millennial, at 44 I can appreciate the irony of you saying everyone should be able to write whatever they want then in the same breath criticising what is written in 'your' thread
    Last edited: Nov 30, 2017
  22. 8Bit Bob

    8Bit Bob Here ;) Contributor

    Sep 27, 2017
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    Somewhere on this Earth
    The reason for this is to prevent spam or people who make an account just to put their stuff up on the workshop, get some critique, and then never log in again. I know the 2 weeks feel like forever, but trust me, it's worth it.
  23. Fantasy/Action

    Fantasy/Action New Member

    Nov 8, 2017
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    Being able to write in a forum and being able to ask people for feedback is different from saying blatantly ignorant comments. 44 is still a youngling if you have not gained wisdom from your elders, young one.
    Arrogance is when you can clearly see that you have done something incorrectly but decide to continue on anyway.

    Am I cocky? To an extent yes I am. I also back this up with experience and knowledge.
    Now, if you do not mind messaging me instead of cluttering up this thread I would greatly appreciate it. The subject you started has nothing to do with the original post and as such it is just trolling. Now, please message me privately, or go away to wherever you came from. I bid you, adue.
  24. Fantasy/Action

    Fantasy/Action New Member

    Nov 8, 2017
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    But, comments like this moose person is posting are also spam as they have not an ioda to do with the original topic. So, you have mods that are causing spam. Is not this against the "rules". I downloaded this application to find fellow writters and to make mates that I could have something in common with, our love of writting and the mental adventures we commonly go on.
    I am getting a bad taste in my mouth because of things this supposed "Mod and community volunteer" is hassling me instead of staying on topic. I get that we want to talk and be heard but one must learn to focus on the task at hand.
  25. big soft moose

    big soft moose An Admoostrator Admin Staff Supporter Contributor Community Volunteer

    Aug 1, 2016
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    East devon/somerset border
    The subject I started directly answered the question you asked about workshop requirements - thats not trolling by any reasonable definition. I have no interest in continuing this conversation or in messaging you privately.

    Take your experience and knowledge and use it to contribute to the forum and you'll do fine here - but you'll be doing it without me because you'll be on my ignore list.

    Good luck with your manuscript
    Fantasy/Action likes this.

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