what I studied so far, concrete nouns are objects or things that can be seen,smell,touched and hear by the sensory organs. They do not take on forms passive tense. I was doing some exercises on a website ( link posted below) that had me second guess a couple times, and because of this Im reaching out for help to see if anyone with greater knowledge can give me a clear understanding why, my answers are not considered concrete noun in the exercised problems 14. I always eat salad having many fruits. - the answer was fruits.. yet, why isnt salad and fruits both be concrete? we cans see, taste,feel and smell a salad. 17. My friend has found my missing pen. - the answer was friend .. but, why not pen? 18. We enjoy every weekend with our family members. - the answer is weekend, yet not family? [link removed, coming up as unsafe]
That's an untrustworthy website. I've never heard of a concept like "concrete nouns," and there are numerous grammatical errors on that site. Here is a resource for you that's more thorough, clear, and accurate: https://www.grammarly.com/blog/nouns/
Forget about the types of nouns for a moment and look instead at the sentence structure of your examples. Number 14 and 17 are passive. They could have been written: 14. I always eat fruit with my salad. 17. My friend found my missing pen. Written this way, fruit and friend are clearly the subject of the sentence. Perhaps the intention of the lesson was to get you to realize the subject of the sentence? I don't know... just thinking out loud here.
No. The original had an active subject (my friend), who did some finding. Your version has a passive subject (my pen), which was found by the object of the sentence. And number 18 is just wrong...neither a weekend nor a family is a concrete noun; they are both abstract ideas.
Two things. 1. Concrete nouns don't take 'tense.' That is a verb issue. 2. Concrete nouns are indeed anything you can smell, touch, see, taste, or hear. I will give you some examples of Concrete vs Abstractions to help you with your understanding. Concrete: Violin, Apple, Truck, Schoolbus, etc. Abstraction: Love, fear, hate, freedom. (None of these things can be touched, seen, heard, tasted, or smelled.)
You snagged my post while I was in the process of editing it. That was my bad for not doing a better job of checking myself before hitting the "Post Reply" button. I'm surprised my edited version didn't update in your response because I submitted my edited version before your post. Oh well, still my bad. And good catch on your part.
The sentences marked 14 and 17 in the original post of this thread are not passive. 14 is arguably incorrect, but that's a separate topic. I would go into more detail, but I'd need to know what makes you think they're passive?