I accidentally put something mildly political onto my "safe for everyone" Facebook. Nothing like the howling I do on the other 18 identities I maintain (or is it more? Or less? I'll never tell), but it was spotted by....
....my father, on one of his twice-annual visits to the page.
My father and I aren't on the same page politically.
We're not in the same chapter, nor the same book. Not even the same author. The libraries that carry his book wouldn't allow mine and vice versa.
But we try to do a gentle dance around each other because after all, we are still son and father.
It's one of the reasons I maintain that identity, to be able to pass the time with people whom I wouldn't otherwise voluntarily give the time of day.
But he won't be back on for a few months at least.
A series of minor quakes.
It'll blow over.
Roche Limitations
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