Random Thoughts on Intentions

  1. Random Thoughts on Intentions

    Intentions are abstract things. The idea before execution. The starting point. Intentions are the necessary precursor to action. There can be no movement without first intention.

    Intentions alone have no movement. They sit. Intentions do not count if they collapse in on themselves.

    Intentions are always stated in the future tense. “I will…” or “I’m going to…” Intentions are an investment in the future.

    Intentions require vision. You have to see something that does not yet exist. Intentions are planning.

    Intentions are what you mean. The reasons you go forward. It’s why you do the things you do.

    Intentions can be good or bad. This depends on who you are. Our entire emotional and psychological profile is tied up in our intentions.

    Intentions can go wrong. Their expression is defined by our knowledge and our abilities. The most kind-hearted person can say the wrong thing.

    Intentions can be frustrated by inside or outside forces. In the best-case scenarios, these limiting factors are overcome.

    If you have no intentions, you have given up. A stasis sets in and you may end up in a rut.

    Intentions followed through make us creators. Intention + motivation = results.

    Hopes and dreams spring from intentions. Intention + passion + courage = hopes and dreams fulfilled.

    About Author

    Louanne Learning
    Just a regular gal with a lot of questions seeking answers.
    ps102 likes this.


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