Perfect Bananas

By Louanne Learning · Dec 28, 2023 · ·
  1. Perfect Bananas

    Can you imagine them? Without blemish or bruise or speckle, a uniform yellow colour, maybe a hint of green at the corners and stems.


    Perfect bananas are rare. Not surprising, considering the long journey they make from where they grew to where they will meet their fate.

    But I can really appreciate a perfect banana. It’s a thing of surreal beauty. Look at it, resplendent in its excellence. Slightly curved, like a knowing grin. Really something to look at. Kinda showing off.

    It wears no experience. Is this how God intended it? Perhaps “handling” has gotten a bad name. The laying on of hands can sometimes benefit.

    You may think of a banana as an inconsequential fruit. But they have played a role in my life. And not just for the potassium. As long as you know there are bananas, everything is okay.

    But if all bananas were perfect? I’m not sure that’s the world I would want to live in. Somewhat artificial. And speckled bananas make the very best banana bread.

    Thinking about expectations on bananas. Grow older, grow sweeter, grow softer. Too much pressure? Let’s just enjoy bananas as we find them. My husband liked them on the green side, I like them super-ripe. If there is one thing (but there were many) that we had in common, it was that we did not seek perfection in our bananas.

    About Author

    Louanne Learning
    Just a regular gal with a lot of questions seeking answers.
    Richach, Madman, Set2Stun and 3 others like this.


  1. ps102
    I like bananas too. Green bananas are very healthy because some of their sugar is still in a form of resistant starch that we can't digest—so it acts like fiber. It affects blood sugar the least. And they're still tasty so long as they're not entirely green.

    But ripe bananas are great too.

    I love bananas with peanut butter. It is literally the best combination. I take a slice of my homemade wholewheat bread and wrap it around a banana lined with peanut butter. It's extremely tasty and very healthy. But the calories add up quickly so I still need to control my portions.

    I also like to chop them up and add them to cocoa oatmeal. Since I use 100% cocoa, its bitter, and the banana pieces cut through that very nicely.

    But I also like to chop them along with an apple and simply mix them together with Greek yoghurt. It's healthier because there's much fewer calories than the peanut butter sandwich. Plus, the live bacteria can use the fruit fibres to multiply and act as probiotics. Not sure how far they make it, though.

    So, there you go—a couple of ways to use these wonderful fruits.
  2. Louanne Learning

    Thanks for reading and your comments. Bananas are a mainstay, aren't they? Like something you can count on!

    Banana and peanut butter sandwiches are a staple in my family!
      ps102 likes this.
  3. Set2Stun
    Dang, those really are perfect bananas. It turns out that I have a banana-related story to share, and this seems like the perfect place to do so.

    I made a grocery order a couple weeks ago, as one does, and somehow my request of 5 bananas maybe was interpreted as, 5 bunches of bananas? I don't know, just guessing. But I ended up with 31 bananas instead of 5.
    That's a lot of freakin' bananas. I didn't want to waste any, so that night I left 14 of them in my building's lobby for other residents to pick up. If I was low on fruit, I would've snagged some myself, so I figure other people would do the same. Then I spent the next 5 days eating the other 17 of 'em, and I did it before any of them got too ripe.

    I'm about to make another grocery order soon. I wonder if I will have another bananadventure.
    1. ps102
      Well, you could say that your grocery story is bananas!

      Sorry, I'll see myself out. *runs away*
      Set2Stun and Louanne Learning like this.
  4. Louanne Learning
    @Set2Stun - Lol! That store went bananas! But that was quick, and generous, thinking on your part to share them. I have a very good recipe for banana bread, if you'd like it. :)
      Set2Stun likes this.
  5. Richach
    Well they have laws about bananas in European Union don't you know...

    This from Wikipedia, "This regulation requires that bananas as a minimum standard must not have "abnormal curvature" although no definition or guidance was given about the degree of curvature that would be regarded as "abnormal". That led to various stories about an EU ban on curved bananas."

    Hmm and they say the English are eccentric o_O
      Louanne Learning likes this.
    1. Louanne Learning
      Lol! That would certainly make the list of "weird jobs' - banana curvature assessment coordinator!
      Richach likes this.
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