Geometric or Geomatian Numerals

By Madman · Nov 21, 2023 · ·
  1. These are called Geomatian Numerals and were created by Countess Aductuine as her only good and lasting achievement. Countess Aductuine was born into a monarchy in the Bevarianne galaxy. She was raised to be a commander in the monarchy's fleet. Throughout her years, she schemed her way to power and fortune, leaving behind her a trail of sorrow. She was a slave owner who kept captives from many various cultures and alien races. Problems occurred when teaching her slaves to count, she found that it took too much time to teach them the numerals of the monarchy. In order to rectify that, she came up with the Geomatian numerals. It was said that she made the numerals also as a way to test the slaves she had captured. Those who understood them within a few seconds were given better positions. Those who failed to understand them within an allotted time frame were tasked with hard physical labour.

    Many have argued for the removal of the numerals due to their origins.
    Geometric Numerals.jpg

    What do you think about these Geometric Numerals I've invented for a civilisation within my fictional universe? Can they perhaps even be used in our world for easier communication with potential beings from outside Earth?

    It was fun to create them. I'm thinking about making up a language as well, but that may be too much.
    Louanne Learning likes this.


  1. Dogberry's Watch
    As someone actively creating a language, it absolutely is too much but incredibly fun and worth all the thought put into it. In my opinion, anyway. It helps to be fascinated by sentence structure and grammar rules of language not one's own.
      Madman likes this.
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