Bear Map

By mugen shiyo · Dec 2, 2012 · ·
  1. [​IMG]

    This is a link to a map I made for my story 'The Bear of Nor'.

    To view the map better, click on the picture then press the buttons CTRL then + on your keyboard to zoom in.


  1. Mckk
    I can't help but think it looks like a rough version of the actual world map. Can't you see a roughly-shaped Europe in there, going as far as having the detail of Italy, and the general shape of Asia too? Then Australia, in a similar position. The only difference are the islands and the piece of land on the left.
  2. James Berkley
    your seeing thing Mckk, its totally a rough version of the New Georgia Islands :p
  3. Mckk
    James, I just googled the islands - it appears you're right! :D
  4. mugen shiyo
    Whatever, lol.
  5. mugen shiyo
    Actually...I've forgotten all about this. Honestly, I don't even know if I'll pick it up again. Bad reviews...

    Maybe I'll just add a bunch of explosions or something :p
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