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  1. Xoic
    And that just made me realize—agewise the boys are also on the boundary between the adolescent world and the world of adulthood with all its requirements and where you're forced to live more in the artifical world so you can earn a living and...
  2. Xoic
    In fact I deliberately set my novel on the boundary between the two worlds—if you go out the front door you're in the modern social world of streets, cars, and buildings, with all the insititutions that implies (schools, workplace, government,...
  3. Xoic
    [MEDIA] Another reason I'm so drawn to McCarthy. When I was immersed in stopmotion animation, and hanging out on a message board like this one, but aimed at that skill-set instead of writing, I once made a post about how the kind of films I...
  4. Xoic
    Oops—forgot to post the video! It's there now.
  5. Xoic
    [MEDIA] And with those videos in mind let's take another look at Nietzsche's ideas about what he called Master and Slave morality. This is one of the best videos I've seen on the subject. He points out that Master morality isn't just Finders...
  6. Xoic
    [MEDIA] Followup to the above video.
  7. Xoic
    [MEDIA] I was about to make a new entry with this, but I realized it actually fits in here because really it's about facing adversity and learning to deal with loss or suffering. Such as for instance the losses or suffering that come with war or...
  8. Xoic
    I just realized I also like it better than Child of God, because that was mostly just the main character alone doing stuff. Occasionally there would be another character, and sometimes they were even alive (usually not). But the conversation...
  9. Xoic
    I'm 22 pages in to Blood Meridian. So far I'm liking it a lot more than The Road. Things are happening—there are settings and character interactions (besides just 2 characters grunting at each other occasionally). I mean, the characters are just...
  10. James Bear
    Ok, this is creepy - you have just described me.
  11. Xoic
    [MEDIA] Here's his presentation about the symbolism of the structure of Paradise, which is basically a mountain in a walled garden.
  12. Xoic
    [MEDIA] I think this must be it. Oops—at first I posted a short clip that was only about Nostalgia. But now I've got the full-length video in place. It seems to be the one I was looking for. Nope—that wasn't it either. Well, now I've popped in...
  13. Xoic
    Another similarity between the two systems of symbolism—in the Kabbala you start at the bottom, Kingdom, which is the purely physical world of objects and solid things, and you follow the paths through the sephiroth (spheres) trying to work your...
  14. Xoic
    [MEDIA] One of Jonathan Pageau's best videos on Christian symbolism. He focuses on the visual symbolism of iconography, but it also helps to understand the way the ancients used symbolisn in general. One thing that really struck me in this video...
  15. Xoic
    [MEDIA] This video puts some of my own thoughts into much better perspective. I've read several of Nietzsche's books, and started in on Jung's Zarathustra Lectures, where he essentially psychoanalyzed the philosopher through his writings. There...
  16. Xoic
  17. Xoic
    [MEDIA] As it turns out, the essentialsalts channel has only done two videos on Jung (besides several mentions in videos about Nietzsche or other great thinkers). The one I posted earlier is his second. This is the first, which goes into great...
  18. Xoic
    [MEDIA] A very powerful and intriguing video. It never mentions the right and left hemispheres of the brain, but is mainly about the conscious and unconscious minds, and the reductive/disenchanting tendencies of the egoistic conscious mind,...
  19. Xoic
    [MEDIA] This puts a lot of things into perspective. So now I understand he was in a deeply minimalist style late in his career, when he wrote The Road for instance, and in the grip of nihilistic Materialism when he wrote Child of God. That helps...
      HemlockCordial likes this.
  20. Xoic
    In fact maybe the whole devastated world is an outer reflection of his own devastated inner world? "As within so without." It means we project the contents of our inner life out onto the world around us. As a cliched example, somone who's deeply...
      HemlockCordial likes this.
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